L'Article 31, paragraph 3, of the Consolidated Immigration Act. is a fundamental norm for the protection of minors who are in Italy.

According to this provision, in fact, the Juvenile Court, for serious reasons related to the minor's psychophysical development, and taking into account the minor's age and health condition, may authorize the entry or stay of the minor's family member (typically one or both parents), for a specified period of time, even in derogation of the other provisions of the Consolidated Immigration Act.

The authorization of the Juvenile Court allows the family member of the minor to obtain a residence permit from the Police Headquarters, the duration of which is determined by the Juvenile Court.

A residence permit issued under Article 31, paragraph 3, of the Consolidated Immigration Act allows for work and can be converted into a residence permit for work purposes.

Regarding the assessment of serious reasons related to the minor's psychophysical development, the United Sections of the Supreme Court, in its decision No. 21799 of October 25, 2010, established the following important principle of law, which the Juvenile Courts must follow:

"La temporanea autorizzazione alla permanenza in Italia del familiare del minore, prevista dall’art. 31 del d.lgs. n. 286 del 1998 in presenza di gravi motivi connessi al suo sviluppo psico-fisico, non postula necessariamente l’esistenza di situazioni di emergenza o di circostanze contingenti ed eccezionali strettamente collegate alla sua salute, potendo comprendere qualsiasi danno effettivo, concreto, percepibile ed obbiettivamente grave che in considerazione dell’età o delle condizioni di salute ricollegabili al complessivo equilibrio psico-fisico deriva o deriverà certamente al minore dall’allontanamento del familiare o dal suo definitivo sradicamento dall’ambiente in cui è cresciuto. Trattasi di situazioni di per sé non di lunga o indeterminabile durata, e non aventi tendenziale stabilità che pur non prestandosi ad essere preventivamente catalogate e standardizzate, si concretano in eventi traumatici e non prevedibili nella vita del fanciullo che necessariamente trascendono il normale e comp".

Our services

The Law Office of Attorney Marco Mantovani has helped many parents of minors obtain residence permits under Article 31, paragraph 3, of the Consolidated Immigration Act

In particular, we offer comprehensive and personalized legal assistance throughout the entire process, from preparing the documents, to filing an appeal with the Juvenile Court, to obtaining a residence permit.

If you want to carry out the practice of residence permit under Article 31, Paragraph 3 of the Consolidated Act on Immigration successfully, contact Attorney Marco Mantovani!

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Augusto Cespedes

Lawyer Marco Mantovani did a very professional job and brought us an excellent result. Excellent professional!  

Rigena Kakija

Attorney Marco Mantovani thank you very much for your work for us competently and for the positive results. Share

Ivo Colantoni Magnavita

Lawyer Marco Mantovani I am very grateful for what you have done, fantastic work, efficient, competent.Thank you very much.Share this

Bledar Troshani

Excellent lawyer.He solved various issues regarding citizenship.Convenient service,loyal and honest professional.Share this article!

Luisa Viviani

Dear Avvocato Mantovani,Yay!!!!! Thank you so much for your sincere help in resolving my problem.Excellent lawyer! Share